Custom Development

web, mobile & cloud

Business Process Re-engineering

envisioning, improving & designing


coaching & mentoring

Product Development

Cutting-edge tools and apps

Hello there!

welcome to truth works consulting

We are a custom software development company that can transform your ideas and dreams into reality. Arthur C. Clarke's third law says that "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" and we couldn't agree more!

Building and delivering great software to your customers is akin to performing magic - it requires planning, preparation, practice and impeccable delivery but if done right the result will delight and inspire. We also believe in being honest and hardworking - hence our name. This means you can expect transparency throughout our software development process from the estimate, to the design, through development, all the way to deployment.


  • Languages
  • .NET
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • HTML 5
  • Development
  • Single Page App Development
  • API Development
  • Node Development
  • NoSQL Development
  • Solutions
  • CRM Solutions
  • CMS Solutions
  • Enterprise Integration Solutions
  • Cross Platform Mobile Solutions
  • Azure Cloud Solutions
  • Consulting
  • Architecture Guidance
  • Product Roadmaps
  • Solution Design
  • Agile/Scrum Coaching



Contentment CMS

Coming soon ...


Dish Tags

Coming soon ...